Saturday, August 01, 2009

Eating and Methodism

Spent the day eating with Methodist Related folks.

I had a great time networking with the men's group over breakfast at St. Andrew UMC. We meet every first Saturday of the month at 8AM. A couple of exciting things ahead are that we are going to try to get to know each other a little better by asking one person to present their "story" each month; we are going to discuss current events and issues, with a sense of Christian response and action; and we are looking for projects to do with the group assembled.

Lunch was spent with the Japanese language congregation from Christ UMC in Santa Maria. They are a hoot and a half, and I love their enthusiasm and their desire to reconnect to their roots, both Christian and Japanese. With that they go to a local Japanese restaurant every month. They too gather the first Saturday of the month, at 11AM for worship, followed by a large contingent that goes to lunch together, to catch up, converse and get to know more about the life of the church, and its people. Simply awesome.

Over dinner, which was Tri-tip BBQ, we got to meet with more folks from St. Andrew UMC and the local Kiwanis club, as well as some amazing people associated with the Find-A-Cure program for FOP here in Santa Maria. The Snows were outstanding hosts, and our little one got to admire, rabbits, two Golden Retrievers, and hang out with her following of grandmas, foremost of which is Imojean.

All this food and fellowship reminds me of a good classic UMC hymn, rewritten for use by Tom Walker, during his time with the California-Pacific Conference. It is sung to the tune of Thank God I'm a Country Boy...

Thank God I'm a Methodist
Well, the Methodist Church is kind o' laid back
There isn't an opinion that Methodists lack
We're kind of like champagne with a Big Mac
Thank God I'm a Methodist

CHORUS: Well you just might say our beliefs run the gamut
We might say darn but we don't say ___________ (this is NOT sung!)
If you wonder what's a Methodist, Well, I am it!
Thank God I'm a Methodist

Well thank you John Wesley we owe it all to you
For founding our church though you didn't mean to
But what else could an Anglican evangelist do
Thank God I'm a Methodist

Well if you want to eat just come around here
Thirty-seven potlucks already this year
The thought of tuna casserole makes me want to shed a tear
Thank God I'm a Methodist

Well the Methodist church is the friendliest in town
We have a lot of fun but our treasury's is down
That's why there's an off'ring plate goin' around
Thank God I'm a Methodist

Well the Presbyterians and Lutherans are fine
We have a few differences but we don't mind
Like we use grape juice and they use wine.
Too bad I'm a Methodist

Well the bishop called the conference to meet this year,
All the preachers got excited and they went with fear,
If the bishop has his way they might not come back here!
Thank God I'm a Methodist!

Well, you just might say our church is rockin'
We're a'clapping and a' praisin' and everone is talkin'
'Bout a man named Jesus and his voice we hear a' callin'
Thank God I'm a Methodist!

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At March 14, 2011, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi there. I wrote that song. Fun to see it on the web.
Tom Walker, Clinton, WA

At March 14, 2011, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi there, I wrote that song. Fun to see it on the web.
Tom Walker, Clinton, WA

At March 15, 2011, Blogger David said...

Thanks for the reminder. We have talked at different times about the use of your song lyrics, and I apologize that I forgot to add attribution to this posting.
You have made many circles around the world with this offering, and parody. I am grateful for your creativeness and your humor.
Be well, and I will fix the attribution.


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