Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Buzz Word Bingo

I have a long meeting coming up this next week. What's more it is one of those tough meetings where I am entering it with only half a clue about what is being talked about...much like a church meeting in a new church for the first year and a half. We are going to cover history, challenges, opportunities, new business ventures, and take on about 20 new voices to a previous board of 9.

Following that adventure I have Annual Conference. One never knows for certain what is going to fall into the lap of Annual Conference, onto the floor. I do know there are still some major issues we need to deal with and intending to do so. I also know we have some new money issues, and that always opens an interesting conversation, and quite heated.

So I am guessing I might need to pay attention to these meetings. What's more I have a short attention span and need to do something to help keep me interacting with the event. Imagine my surprise when I came across a wonderful tool on the internet the other day to better engage my brain at these meetings.

I found a website for Buzzword Bingo. What a great invention. Now I have to come up with nearly 30 words for each of the bingo cards (one of the tools even lets you create your own). I expect to share these around the table of the business meeting next week, and with a few select friends at Annual Conference.

I do need some help with these, if you will. Imagine you are at a church trustees meeting (not the meeting I am attending next week), what might be some substantial "buzzwords" that would be used during your meeting? The second one would be "Buzzwords" of your Annual Conference this year, or if you have not had yours yet, ones that you expect will deliver much impact.

To get you started here are some I had in mind:

Business: Established, Acumen, Portfolio, Sunder, Aggregate, Zoning Laws.

Annual Conference: Biblical Authority, Windfall, CAC/DAC (Conference Average Compensation/Denominational Compensation), Overflowing (theme: To be the cup overflowing), Point of Order, Cokesbury.

Please add your fodder to the gristmill.



At June 12, 2006, Blogger John said...

A while back, I tried to create a game called "Emergent Buzzword Bingo". You could take these cards to emergent conventions and win prizes.


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