Saturday, January 10, 2009

Pondering Pride

I am aware that the Bible speaks against pride in many ways.

Proverbs 8:13

But I am mindful too of the need for some level of pride that allows one to be active, celebratory and hopeful about themselves. The image of self may be personal, part of a small community, or even a larger community.

In this time of transition and visioning for Ojai UMC, I want to encourage us to a level of personal pride and communal pride, both in the local church and in the larger church. This may be the United Methodist Church or the Church Universal - the one body of Christ, as both have the need of pride.

God has given us many great gifts and things to hope for in the risen Savior. From Pride comes a sense of self that knows that it is worthy. This is where the excess of pride comes to say that one is more worthy of respect, entitlement or goods than one really is. But, it seems to me that to not be proud of self, in any of these incarnations, is to be self-abusive.

So in this I will encourage and hope for a church with Pride. I will do what I can to bring to light the gifts and graces that enable a bright future, laced with hope and compassion for a larger community - that of Ojai, the United States, The UMC and the Church Universal.

For that kind of Pride I also look to Scripture to find a gauge.


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