Monday, December 08, 2008

Visioning Continued

This is the next step in the process.

Visioning 2008/09 
Ojai UMC


We have been working toward a common Vision for Ojai UMC. These groupings are being used to help flesh out our Vision more clearly. 

A Vision is a "to be" statement of Ojai UMC, defining the type of community we wish to become. It is a realistic future statement, which complements the gifts and graces of the church and needs the input of the community because these are the people with whom we interact and live, and are trying to present the real and active message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We have already met with individuals to find out some of their hopes and dreams for Ojai UMC. We have begun to surface the Spiritual Gifts of the members of Ojai UMC. We have named some of the tangible assets of Ojai UMC, and determined some of the intangible assets. We have started to look at the needs of the larger community as we will form our Vision around the gifts and assets of the church and where they intersect with the needs of the community. We will conclude our Visioning process with a meeting or two of all interested parties to name our Vision. We will then look at what we will need to do to implement and effect the larger Vision for Ojai UMC.

What we're doing:

We are gathering in several small groups for about 2 hours to talk about our individual Visions for the church, and begin to develop our common Vision for Ojai UMC. this time will be facilitated by the Pastor, and the Lay Leaders will be invited to listen in to each session.

This is an opportunity to share with our fellow members the things we love about the church, our core values about church, some of the gifts we see, and the needs of the community we think we can and should address.

Groupings (8-10 People):



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