Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Day Late

Window of the Soul:

This Friday Five is inspired by [Sophia's] husband's Lasik surgery yesterday....He'd been contemplating it for a while and was pushed over the edge by the fact that we put too much money in our healthcare spending account this year and it would have been gone anyway. (There was only enough for one eye, but the kind people at the eye clinic figured out a way to divvy up the charges between surgery and followup in January=next year's spending account). So please say a little prayer for his safe recovery and share with us your thoughts on eyes and vision.

1. What color are your beautiful eyes? Did you inherit them from or pass them on to anyone in your family? 
I have primarily hazel eyes, which change from shades of blue to shades of green, depending on activity, mood, and health. Haven't seen them on anyone else in my family.

2. What color eyes would you choose if you could change them? Why would I do that?

3. Do you wear glasses or contacts? What kind? Like 'em or hate 'em? Nope

4. Ever had, or contemplated, laser surgery? Happy with the results?Nope

5. Do you like to look people in the eye, or are you more eye-shy? Primarily eye shy.

Bonus question: Share a poem, song, or prayer that relates to eyes and seeing.
"Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes"



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