Thanks for Watching
For the two readers who remain watching this blog - I appreciate your support. Please know, it isn't you, it's me.
I just don't know what to share anymore. I am pressed for time. I have so many good projects going on. I am trying to reinvigorate a church - they are already what I would call "vitalized" so I am trying to add some vigor...imagine taking warm water and pushing it to boiling. I am raising my child, and trying to be a good husband to my wife, and the mother of my child. I am organizing my sermons plans for the coming three years, as well as the worship content that can be expanded and explored along with it.
I still plan to blog as I find the need to outlet by way of journaling from time to time, and have some thoughts that just express well. I realize that in failing to blog "regularly" (daily, weekly or even habitually) I am just going to lose readership. I am willing to take that risk. I was never blogging for the readership, though it has made my day on occasion to see the kinds of remarks I gather. I put stuff here to hold a place for my thoughts and to generate ideas in the collective hive mind.
May God bless you if you venture off from here never to return. Should you decide to check in every now and then, or keep me on your blogroll, well, I am grateful that you have decided to keep the conversation going with me. Thank you.
Hi David,
We readers are out here even if we don't usually comment.
But I know the feeling. Of late I haven't been getting many comments on my own blog, so I thought no one was reading it, but then heard otherwise via the webnet.
I personally would be interested in hearing some of your wrestling as you work on Scriptural passages. Since you have to wrestle anyway, might as well get in the virtual ring:-)
For instance, right now I am reading Johnson's The Creed. He makes some outlandish claims of what the Nicene Creed has done for Christians in history which I think is just the opposite of what he says. For instance, he says that the Creed has helped Christian live the Christian story. In contrast, as a historian I would say history is exactly the opposite--that millions said the creed every Sunday, maybe every day but then lived totally opposite in their daily lives.
I'd like to see some of your comments about Bible study on Matthew which you don't get to on Monday night, as well.
However, I remember my teaching days before my semi-retirement. Working 70 hours a week, I seldom got enough sleep. I would never have had time enough to write blogs:-)
Even when I worked "part-time" as a youth pastor, it always turned out to be more than full time:-)
So congrats for being a "working paradox;-)"
Peace be with you.
I'm with ya brother! (both in not blogging as much as i might like and in following your blog...)
David, I am still here, too. But been kinda' busy of late; may God give you the inspiration here to keep on keeping on with your blogs; I have always enjoyed reading them.
Dave Youngdale
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