Sunday, July 03, 2011

Youth News @SMSAUMC

Youth News

Several major youth events are happening this summer, with Sierra Service Project in Downtown LA for our Sr. High Youth, as part of an urban rebuild; and Coarsegold, CA working with the Native American tribe there as part of a Jr. High work team.
Brad Jones has faithfully headed this ministry as St. Andrew for many years now, and will be leading the youth in their endeavors.

District Camp will be happening again this year. Our Elementary Camp has already concluded at Camp Wrightwood, the week of June 19-26. Jr High and Sr High Youth will be participating at Camp Wrightwood as well July 3-9, with both camps living in the same spaces, and sharing program and special events, even as each age group will be clustered together for lodging and small group study.

Youth 2011 is a major national event for Youth put on by the General Board of Discipleship, Youth Division. This year, they have taken a big step and located in two places, for Purdue University and in Sacramento. Again, we will have youth participating in this event, and have found ways to partner with Reseda UMC and Simi Valley UMC as they too are sending youth and leaders to this great event, of worship, study, small groups and development of the church as lived out among our youth and the leaders who support them.


At July 05, 2011, Blogger Daniel Wilcox said...

Hi David,

Glad to hear your youth are doing the Native American service project again and working on one in LA.

May God bless their efforts.



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