Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Vision Statements

Just a sampling of some of the Vision Statements I was able to find for the UMC, and its local churches.

I would say that those that are concise, and easy to remember are the better ones. 

The problem is often that churches try to do too much with their Vision statement, and individually capture each element of the ministry they are trying to do. 

I really appreciated the Vision Statement that started with what a Vision is.

Church Vision Statements:

To be a church for the non-churched and the nominally churched. (Church of the Resurrection)

To be the Cup overflowing (Cal-Pac)

To be One in the Spirit, All in Ministry (Cal-Pac)

"To build beloved community helping people commit their lives to Christ and 
live as a blessing in the world" -Santa Maria FUMC

The information concerning VISION of the First United Methodist Church of Crystal Lake on this page consists of two sections:

Vision Statement

We, the faith community of FUMC, are in ministry to assist God in the resurrection of the spiritually dead, and the healing of the spiritually wounded. We will go about our ministry, seeking to make disciples for Jesus Christ. We will do so in a nurturing, caring, and grace-filled manner, welcoming and accepting all people where they are on their faith journey. We will do so unabashedly as United Methodists, building upon the foundational teachings of our denomination, celebrating the strengths of our denomination, confessing to our weaknesses and shortcomings, and with an unwavering commitment to community.

Vision Statement

Yardley United Methodist Church will grow disciples through ________.

FUMC San Diego
Vision Statement

Our Vision is to help the Kingdom of God grow. In community, we help people experience the love of God in Jesus Christ and make a difference in the world by sharing God's love.

Ivy Creek United Methodist Church is a welcoming community of faith:

  • Listening for God's voice,
  • Proclaiming God's message, and
  • Giving ourselves to God's service.

We offer sanctuary and purpose in a complex world.

The vision of the Mount Lebanon United Methodist Church is to be recognized as a Christ-centered church, teaching the saving grace of Jesus Christ and "setting the standard" as...

  • A friendly church, providing a Church Family which shares God's love by welcoming, accepting, supporting and caring for all people.
  • An innovative church, providing stability in the modern world by presenting meaningful and attractive new approaches to worship and the study of the Christian life.
  • A teaching church, where individuals of all ages are assisted in learning how to live according to the Holy Gospel.
  • A progressive church, where the rich heritage of Methodism is used to build faith and hope in the future. hope in the future.
  • A practicing church, where members consistently strive to live more fully as Children of God and share their faith by reaching out to others.

Vision Statement

Our mission is our fundamental reason for being. All ministry activities must be in alignment with it. 

A vision is a desired future reality, a hoped for result, that captures the heart and mind in such a compelling way that people are willing to commit their resources of time, talent, and treasure to make it a reality.
  • inviting and accepting everyone

  • exploring and using our spiritual gifts

  • participating in the care of our community

  • committing ourselves to social justice

  • growing spiritually through worship and education


At February 22, 2009, Blogger Unknown said...

A vision statement should express obtainable and measurable goals. The statement is updated often as each of these goals are met. Lengthy statements tend to be a turnoff. These visions should be expressed to the church council and for the chairpersons involved. Example might be "to increase the church attendance from 75 to 85 over the next six months."


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