Friday, November 28, 2008

What's Happened

One of the requests made by my Staff-Parish Relations Committee Chair asked of me this past month is an up-to-date "what has the pastor done" list.

Now, I will own that I have not done all of these things. In fact, most of them have been done by other people. But, I will also say that many of these things were done at my impetus or prompting. There are a few of these things I have counted the chickens before they hatched, as they are still only in process, but they are moving.

So, in no particular order:

Have Done List:
New Computers for the Office and the Pastor
Networked the Campus, with wireless access points throughout
Fencing for the BBQ
Reintegrated people into worship as readers, lectors, and attendants
Celebrated 50 years of Ojai UMC in ministry with the former pastors
Opened the Sanctuary to preschool chapel, and teach every other week
Emptied the parsonage of old accoutrement
New carpet, new flooring and new paint at the parsonage interior
Holes in floor patched and replaced
Parsonage tented for termites
New heating and A/C units, asbestos removal at parsonage
New A/C unit on Peterson Hall
A/C, heater units repaired at the preschool
Water Heater cleaned
Closets cleaned at Church
Updated archives at the church
Current Lay Leadership Directory
Review of all membership
Renewal of Baptism for Jeremy Jurgens
Completed Christian Educators Conference
New Copier in the Office
Cleaned the office, organized files
Removed old financial files, sent to shredder
Reviewed existing Mission and Vision statements
Implemented Visioning plan
Visited with more than 75% of active membership and 50% of inactive membership
Hospital Visitations, along with several shut-in visitations
Library, UMW Library, Pastor's library, Hallway library shelves cleaned; books cleaned, sold and shared 
Clean-up and sale of Sew 'n Sews projects
Funeral for Hal Mitrany
History Wall Created
New Refrigerator @ Parsonage
New Washer and Dryer @ Parsonage
Completed Mortgage Paperwork
Collated materials in the safe deposit box
Got a Title report
Updated Fed Tax ID information and State Tax ID
Established 501(c)3 documentation
Got Property Taxes evaluated, some charges dropped, and some reimbursed four years back 



At November 28, 2008, Blogger Deb said...

That's a pretty good list! way to go!

At November 28, 2008, Blogger johnsue said...

Awesome! I think of a couple other things to add that parishioners may want to know: formal and informal counseling, supporting online links to outreach projects, attending meetings, preparing for sermons, continuing education/information gathering, making/baking pies for church dinner : ) God bless you! mom


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