Tuesday, October 23, 2007

How to Love Your Hymns

Survey of Favorites and Least Favorite Hymns of UMs


For several months GBOD has been surveying United Methodists’ choices for their favorite and least favorite hymns and thousands have responded. The last day to participate in the survey will be Monday, November 6, when the survey will be removed from our website. If you have not yet completed the survey, you are invited to do so by telling us your ten favorite and ten least favorite hymns. You may choose any ten selections in any combination from The United Methodist Hymnal (1989) and/or The Faith We Sing (2000). The survey consists of the alphabetical listing of both books’ contents and a check box for each title. You simply click on your ten selections. Here are two suggestions to avoid problems when taking the survey:

  1. Think about your responses prior to logging onto the site. It is best to make a list ahead of time so that all you have to do is browse through the titles and click your selections.
  2. The survey will not allow you to select more than ten titles. If you select more than ten favorites or more than ten least-favorites, your responses will be cleared and you will be asked to try again.
After choosing your selections, you will be asked to respond to five demographic questions that will help us in analyzing the survey. Your participation and responses are confidential and anonymous. You will not be asked for your name or identifying personal information. This information will be used to help us plan for future resources in congregational singing and in identifying changes and trends in musical style. We are grateful for your participation and ask you to encourage your friends, your children, your congregation, Sunday School classes, students, professors, pastors, choir members, church staff, -- any United Methodist – to participate. It is our hope to have as wide a participation as possible. To take the survey, go to www.gbod.org/favoritehymns.html.


At October 28, 2007, Blogger Clix said...

Just TEN?! I don't know if I can do it. AUGH!


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