Thursday, April 26, 2007


Interesting post, especially as I sought to engage my own boredom yesterday from taking the day off for vacation and doing something that stirs my spirit. I had been lying around the house for the better part of a week, and I know there is Wednesday night soccer with many of the same folks I play with on Mondays.

I decided to go cheer on some of my teammates from the Monday night league by going to the Drayton Center and watching some soccer for the night.

The folks I ran into were surprised and glad to see me, from the various teams I play with, to the managers of the league, and even making a few new friends. I found that going into a familiar place with a new agenda made a world of difference. All those nights I run around chasing the ball on Monday nights didn't allow for the same type of intereaction as I had in one night as a spectator.

I got to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, through dialogue, presence, compassion and friendship because their view of a familar face at an unfamiliar time stirred something different in them.

I am pushed to think further about what this can look like in the church setting then. Where are my people "supposed" to see me, so that I can be a presence that transforms by meeting them in a "familiar place" with a "familiar face" at an unexpected time. I suspect it is kinda like Jesus meeting the Disciples on the road to Emmaus.

Now on with the pondering and reflection...

Your ideas are welcome, invited and appreciated!



At May 01, 2007, Blogger RevErikaG said...

Thanks David, for sharing how having a different agenda makes all the difference in the world...yes, this translates into our life in the do we see with new eyes, especially since the road we walk is so, so familiar? Luther Smith challenged us to see it as an issue of Beauty-- do we see the beauty of God around us, in people, things and places that we know or are afraid of? Hope your time of rest was renewing!


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