Booklist for New Church Start/Revitalization
I have taken what one person has already compiled for the reading/helps list and added a few other books that were suggested and have been helpful to me in my growth over the past years.
My hope is to find a way to get these linked off to the side in the days to come. hat tip to gavoweb in helping me get the code to do this future thing.
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference Malcolm Gladwell
Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home Richard J. Foster
Developing a Giving Church Elmer L. Towns
The Indispensable Guide for Smaller Churches David R. Ray
Emotionally Healthy Church, The Warren Bird
Living Your Strengths: Discover Your God-Given Talents and Inspire Your Community Albert L. Winseman
Wired for Ministry: How the Internet, Visual Media, and Other New Technologies Can Serve Your Church John P. Jewell
The Race to Reach Out: Connecting Newcomers to Christ in a New Century Douglas T. Anderson
The Passionate Church Mike Breen
Leadership Baton, The : An Intentional Strategy for Developing Leaders in Your Church Rowland Forman
The Elephant in the Boardroom : Speaking the Unspoken about Pastoral Transitions (J-B Leadership Network Series) Carolyn Weese
Power Surge: 6 Marks of Discipleship for a Changing Church Michael W. Foss
Planting New Churches in a Postmodern Age Ed Stetzer
PastorPreneur John Jackson
Nurturing Faith And Hope: Black Worship As A Model For Christian Education Anne E. Streaty Wimberly
Now, Discover Your Strengths Marcus Buckingham
High-impact African-american Churches George Barna
Executive Values: A Christian Approach to Organizational Leadership Kurt Senske
Character Forged from Conflict: Staying Connected to God During Controversy (Pastors Soul) Gary D. Preston
Coaching for Performance: Growing People, Performance and Purpose John Whitmore
Breakout Churches: Discover How To Make The Leap Thom S. Rainer
Blog: Understanding The Information Reformation Hugh Hewitt
Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant W. Chan Kim
Being Leaders: The Nature of Authentic Christian Leadership Aubrey Malphurs
The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader: Becoming the Person Others Will Want to Follow John C. Maxwell
As Iron Sharpens Iron: Building Character in a Mentoring Relationship Howard Hendricks
A Work of Heart : Understanding How God Shapes Spiritual Leaders Reggie McNeal
Culture Shift : Transforming Your Church from the Inside Out (J-B Leadership Network Series) Robert Lewis
7 Practices of Effective Ministry Andy Stanley
The Externally Focused Church Rick Rusaw
Nonviolent Communication : A Language of Compassion Marshall Rosenberg
Focus : Achieving Your Highest Priorities Stephen R. Covey
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity David Allen
L3 Leadership Incubator Guidebook Carpenter, Miller, Robertson
Nextchurch.Now: Creating New Faith Communities Craig Miller
Why Nobody Learns Much of Anything at Church: And How to Fix It Thom Schultz, Joani Schultz
Leading from Your Strengths: Building Close-Knit Ministy Teams Trent, et al
Blink : The Power of Thinking Without Thinking Malcolm Gladwell
Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In Fisher, et al
The Fifth Discipline Peter M. Senge
Hit the Bullseye: How Denominations Can Aim Congregations at the Mission Field Bordon
The Ripple Church Phil Stevenson
Heart's Desire Richard J. Foster
Net Results Periodical
Circuit Rider Periodical
Leadership Periodical
Rev Periodical
Wired Periodical
Interpreter Periodical
Homiletics Periodical
Happy reading to you and to me.
PS. If you have read any of these and are willing to give a synopsis for others to share that would be greatly appreciated. You might consider sending me a PM.