Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thoughts for today

I started blogging several years ago, at first to connect to other bloggers, then to provide a digital storage space for some of my thoughts, and those ideas that captured my mind.

I moved to MySpace, Orkut and Facebook to expand the connections I had made through the blog and with various chat board friends.

Twitter caught my attention again to connect and branch out in thoughts that weren't quite as deep or refined as I wanted in a blog.

I live my life in a world where connection is the key. As a pastor, we have to connect to the individual and connect to the divine and try to make sense of both in a world that is even more connected and disjointed at the same time.

I wonder what happened to my personal reflection time in the midst of this, and family life, and see the growing need to take a digital hiatus, and disconnect, so that I can be more energetic in each of these other pursuits.

I ask, then, for your prayers as I try to reach the finish line of some immediate projects so that the time of disconnect can be more effective. Pray also for that time when I do disconnect that I can stay disconnected for long enough to recharge.

The irony of it all is that to charge our digital power sources we have to charge them by connecting, and to charge my personal power source I need to disconnect.

Thanks Mac!

From Emergent Village

Confidence in leadership

I have no idea what's going to happen, or if my specific plans are going to come out the way I envision them, but I am completely confident that if we get people together and keep service to the Lord and to our neighbors at the center of our thinking, that He will make something wonderful come out of our efforts, one way or another. My personal ego has some very specific ideas of what the Lord ought to do with our efforts, but I know my God is wiser than me, and thinks bigger than I ever could, and sees the long-term big picture, and so I'm ready to find out what it is He will make of all our plans and efforts.

-Mac Frazier